The fan is five centuries old and in the
fifteenth century it was very similar as
it is known today. Althought it has
suffered some mechanical innovations
through history, the fan working process
is basically handicraft, being our
craftmen´s hands the main working tools.
This craftmanship has passed from parents
to sons for at least five hundred years.
It consist of veating beautiful and
delicate combinations of tones by inlaying
in teh wood, shells, nacre, ivory, gold
and silver, forming a mixture of colours
as in a Mosaic.
ceramic, worked in the purest tradition
with a very particular colour intonation
we highlight the difference of shape among
the pieces, these differences, in fact,
grove and enhances the handicrafted
process of our goods.
Cuerda Seca
"Cuerda Seca" is a tradition of
the Spanish-Arabe Andalusia, whose
ornamental thematic is mainly Mudejar from
the mid fifteenth century.
It consists of outlining the design on the
easthenware goodg which have previously
been baked with grease. That operation
will allow to keep the thickness of the
enamel, and making delicate designs and
gurfaces. The richness of colours used are
highlighted with applications of gold in
the last baking. Each item of "Cuerda
Seca" has thoroughtly been
andicrafted by the craftman
Arms we have avilable our collection of
old firearms, with simulated shooting
mechanisms, steel blade imitations in a
numbre of range: Europeans, Arabs and
They are all manufactured to serve as
decoration objects and is any way they are
capable to he used as proper arms.
is the application of gold and silver on
steel or iron, making decorative pictures.
We can date back this Art to Egiptian,
Greek and Romans. Around the fifteenth
century it had a period of prosperity in
Europe and novadays they have a great
reputation all over the world the woerks
of this Art whole which are bring made in
Toledo (Spain). The maufacturing process
is craft.
C/ Virgen de la Paz 13
Telf.: 952 87 21 87
29.400 Ronda (Málaga)